Sunday, February 13, 2011

Surprise! Spinach!!!

It is 48 degrees today and the sun is out. WOW - it is beautiful. Everyone in the neighborhood is out - walking dogs, taking in the sunshine....and driving our dogs crazy. They in turn drive us crazy with their barking.

We spent time moving built up snow from around the house and patio to under the trees for a good spring watering. The garden plans are starting to come together. The garden will be 72'X25'. It looks like it is going to work out to about thirty five 12" rows with 12" in between each row.

In just three days we already have sprouts from the dark opal basil, the thai basil and the buttercrisp lettuce seeds so it is time to get the outside garden ready. Mr. Man plans on putting the hoop house out over the garden so we can move some things outside and have more growing room inside. We started shoveling some of the snow off of the garden in order to prepare for the hoop house. Guess what we found under two feet of snow? SPINACH! It over wintered and from what I read - this is supposed to be the most tasty spinach. Apparently the more stressed a vegetable is the more flavorful it will be.

I will sow more spinach seeds out in the garden tomorrow and hope for an even larger early crop. Thursday is supposed to hit 58 degrees so I am hoping it will not only melt the snow but will also allow for a bit of a dry out.

We also found that ALL of the pots left outside over the winter (things I started from seed and did not get around to planting last year) were greening under the snow and showing signs of spring.

And daylilies next to the house are popping up. Trying not to get too excited - it is on Feb 13th and by Saturday the 19th the temps are supposed to drop back into the thirties. But hey - we will take it while we can get it.

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