Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not so fast.....

Well, here I went and got all excited about the spinach in the garden (green as can be by the way) and now the two feet of snow on the garden is melting and the spinach is swimming. The warm weather is great - 45 degrees today - but this fast snow melt is leaving puddles everywhere. I guess I will have to be patient (not one of my strengths).

A couple of more lupines popped up under the growing lights today and I had to thin out the dark opal basil seedlings. I think every seed I put in the pot germinated. Basil genovese and thai basil are going strong as well. Oh - and one of the six packs of rainbow chard are looking great and the other is doing absolutely nothing. Planted them on the same day - strange.

Squirrel drama today. Looked outside the window while vacuuming the house and saw this sad little squirrel that was missing alot of his fur limping along in our backyard with a flat (i.e. non-fluffy tail). Another squirrel came running down a tree and attacked the poor little thing. I was able to scare them both off but then the sickly one almost got hit crossing the street. Ugh - I feel bad for the little guy. I hope he is somewhere safe and warm tonight. He might want to stay clear of the neighbor across the street - I hear he shoots anything that moves.

Tonight and tomorrow I will study for a final exam and then I will start some more seeds. School is finally wrapping up - it has taken years to finish this bachelors degree but graduation is just around the corner. Probably time to get serious and get it done. This would be a good time to say I love my husband - without him I never would have made it through it - financially or emotionally. What a guy!

weather.com says 53 degrees tomorrow and 63 degree on Thursday. YIPPEEE - maybe the garden will dry up a little. Then it will rain of course - oh well, such is life in Iowa.

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