Friday, February 11, 2011

Started Some Maters Today

The good news is that it is a little bit warmer today. The sun is out and you can tell that spring is trying to get here quickly.

I am in the process of finishing my B.S. in social sciences and I need to come up with a creative senior project. For awhile now the hubby and I have been looking for an opportunity to tie together our passion for growing our own food and our desire to do something to help others. We are looking at the possibility of selling fruits, veggies, and flowers to raise money for non-profit causes. (Perhaps THIS is a good senior project.) I am considering the possibility of setting up a table at the end of the driveway (people actually stop at garage sales, veggie trucks, etc in Iowa) and giving it a go. Right now I am thinking we will donate HALF of everything we bring in after expenses. This is a large percentage but I think that it is doable.I will spend some time this week writing up the proposal and sending it on to a prof for approval.

In the meantime, more seeds started today. It may be a little bit early but this year instead of starting most of my seeds at the same time I am going to try staggering them. Today we have started:
  • Isis Candy Cherry Tomato
  • Italian Heirloom Tomato
  • Roma Tomato
  • Rainbow Heirloom Tomato
  • Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato
For those of you who do not believe that there is actually something called Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato here is a picture:

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