Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunny and 12 Degrees

It is a wee bit warmer today and we are trying to hold on until Tuesday when they say temps will reach a possible 50 degrees!

Lupine: After chilling lupine seeds in a wet paper towel - placed in plastic bag - in the fridge for 5 days I potted them in a mixture of mostly seed starting mix along with a dash of fertilized potting mix. Started 15 small pots. Keeping fingers crossed. I have never grown lupine before but I hear they are pretty spectacular. Also started:

Grandpa Admires Lettuce: Started one 6 cell pack indoors
Bronze Arrowhead Lettuce: Started one 6 cell pack indoors
Buttercrunch Lettuce: Started one 6 cell pack indoors
Marigold: Started one 9 cell pack indoors

Swiss Chard: Started two 6 cell packs of Rainbow Swiss Chard indoors. has a wonderful heirloom variety that has never let us down. For those that like a colorful green that stands up to salad dressing and keeps firm in salads this is a winner. Also great as a spinach replacement in lasagna. Or just leave it in the garden as decoration. Beautiful color.

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