Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's A Record

I am not so sure that it is a good thing that Iowa set a record for high temperatures today. Supposedly it is going to reach 72 degrees today. It is February and it is 72 degrees. What global warming.....Last week there was a 100 degree swing within 48 hours in one of the southern states. Wow! Maybe dumping two feet of snow on Georgia will get some people on board with the concept of global warming. If not - screw 'em, let 'em can get buried alive.

As for me, I spent the day taking my final exam (think I did pretty well) and playing in the dirt. The back is not holding up very well but I push it anyway, I simply cannot help it. I played with the dog and she was good about staying the yard until the neighbor's cat came into view and then all bets were off. She took off after that cat like a bat out of hell. Idiot - doesn't she know a cat can take a dog! Well, this one decided to take off through the side neighbors yard and Wolfi went right after it. I had to drag her back home (which was NOT easy at all) and thank goodness my son came around the corner right when I needed him to. She was so excited to see him she forgot about the cat - for about 10 seconds - and then she was off again. Hubby is putting up fencing as soon as we can squeeze it into the budget.

Cut back the brown portions of the Siberian Iris and raked some of the leaves from the backyard. The kid was good enough to help me put the yard waste into containers. Gotta love when your kids are old enough to help out! Cleaned up a little around the hostas and spent alot of time scraping the mud off of my boots. When will I learn patience! (hint: never).

Tomorrow it is supposed to be 50 degrees or so - hopefully the garden will dry out a bit more. The spinach is still under water.

Saturday at 1:00 pm at the Drake Community Library in Grinnell there is someone speaking about heirloom corn and it's uses - decorations, popcorn, etc. We may attend the lecture - hubby and I are concerned about heirloom seed and saving the food supply so it might be interesting.

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